Eskilstuna in Södermanland in eastern Sweden has been the center of the Scandinavian iron and tool industry for 350 years. The flood of cheap Far Eastern ironware since the 1980s has also washed away most of the forges, turning shops and spinning mills there. Eskilstuna Kulturbeslag, our new Swedish partner, has been working with growing success since 1994 to preserve their heritage in two ways: Firstly, by putting the remaining craft and machine resources of this once important center of European metalworking back to work, and secondly, by using and reviving the rich stock of utilitarian forms that has grown there over three hundred years. THPG will cooperate with Kulturbeslag in two ways: We will distribute some of the products manufactured there in Central Europe, while the entire catalog range can be ordered through us.
The items presented here are all available at short notice. You can find the entire Kulturbeslag range at